Monthly Meetings

In 2023, Covid restrictions permitting, Bundaberg Writers’ Club intends to meet on the third Saturday of every month at the Rum City Silver Band hall, 89 Targo Street, opposite Dan Murphy’s, just head south of the Bundaberg CBD.

BWC Club Days are part social get together, part creative free-for-all, part workshop and, best of all, the safest place to share your words.

Join the club if you like to write stories people can relate to, think you can benefit from others travelling the same path, and would appreciate feedback from people who have  more to offer than “That’s great.”

Covid Reminders: We follow current Covid Advice. Check Here for the latest advice from the Queensland Government.

A “typical” club day:
9.00am:  Doors open.
9.30am: Workshops begin.
10.30am: Break
Noon -12.30:  pack up

We hold formal meetings a minimum of four times a year. These Formal Meetings aim to start as soon as possible after 9am and are usually finished by 10am, followed by a normal club day of workshops and chat.

Membership year begins in May. We aim to hold our AGM in July.

Why not JOIN US.